Saturday, 3 November 2012


In people's mind set, the word 'distraction' is something that they look the negative way. But not me. I think it is great (tak la great mana pun) because you can distract yourselves from the thing that is hurt to recall. ...and not running from facing the reality as people always thought. In my case, it not hurt to recall, instead it's nice. But, remembering that it is far, that's hurt. Feels like a hand squeezing hard my heart.

So, enough telling that, what I do to distract myself? I read. Yeah, alang-alang dah cuti sekolah (not literally cuti lagi pun), nak buat apa dengan koleksi novel bertimbun tu, kan? Actually, ada tiga je pun yang belum baca. Setakat ni tak la sampai tahap desperate lagi sampai nak ulang baca yang lama. So, among that three, I grabbed one which has three ceritera in it, and I finished read one yesterday (start baca pun malam semalam gak).

The thing is I have to finish that first ceritera tu malam tu jugak sebab it was a thriller story. I can sleep peacefully without knowing who's the killer bla bla bla. And it's not because of curiosity, it's because I'm scared. See, that explained well why I can't get along well with thriller. Thank god it was a short ceritera. Honestly, I get chickened out watching a movie of there's a murder bla bla bla, and at the end, the killer is still out there, escape, and I don't know who. But the ceritera was very interesting. I'll think again to buy the previous story of the ceritera 'cause it is thicker and I've to finish it in a day.

Bila fikir balik, kata nak cari distraction, kan? Bukan ke lebih baik kalau pergi mengaji ke apa, kan? Ni last mengaji pun Ramadan hari tu, khatam sekali. Takpe la, cuti ni, I'll start again. So, pertambahan aktiviti selain baca novel la, kan? Kalau nak hati tu tenang, dekatkan la diri dengan Dia. Dia yang jadikan kita, hati kita pun dia yang pegang, so what makes you think that He can't give peace towards you? Kita boleh doa, kan? Lagipun sekarang ni musim hujan. Doa sangat-sangat la mujarab time-time macam ni. Insya-Allah. :)

p/s: Rumah besar perabot jati;
             Rumah milik Pak Cik Yahya;
        Tenanglah duhai hati;
             Yakinlah kau ada Dia.

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