Thursday, 22 November 2012

There will be one

One thing yang aku nak cakap is that kita duduk dalam dunia ni bukan sorang-sorang je. Kita jangan lupa kita ada orang lain sama. Tak kira kita suka ke tak, sometimes we need to just follow the flow, bukan ikut kepala sendiri je. Especially when we work on something together. As others respect what we did, that is what we should do as well.

Kita kena ingat, kita tak suka apa orang buat, lepas tu nak take the role and lead. Ingat orang suka sangat ke apa yang kita buat? We can't always appear perfect all the time. There are times when we do something that isn't so pleasant to others. But, doesn't mean that they do not tell us they agree with us. That is the one thing we call tolerate. If I know this would happen, I'll take back my decision.

Enough of compromising with three things, wanna add to four? Sudah la, aku dah penat. Lepas ni, I won't give my all, I'll do it half-heartedly. I would confidently announce this as an unsuccessful abortive assignment. File closed. Case dismissed. Nothing left but compromise. That's all I can do. *hands down*

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