Monday, 3 February 2014

Nothing feels this complete

Nothing could compare how glad I am that you finally understand why Ell. It wasn't that hard to get the whole scoop, right? And for that I wanna thank you. "Thanks for catching all the things I've thrown to you these years." - Joe Kingman. ...and all these while when there's just you and me sailing through this new phase of life. :)

Besides, how can I not be happy when I've spent a day (yesterday), feeling incomplete and today tak pernah pernah terserempak gini tetiba boleh jadi. So sweet smile and wanginya mak oii. I was paralyzed. :)

What more, for the first time, for almost a month I'm there... Acot! You smiled! At me!! Gila! Lemah lutut ni rasa, tahu! Hati dah kembang setaman. Bunga-bunga. Bahagianya rasa. Ell pun cakap macam tu. I'm like that, ey? Allah. Gila tak happy? For the first time. Someone yang rarely smile, tak pandang orang. Hello! Somebody please wake me up please!

It's always on Asar prayer. :) It's cute and quite diff today that with that barriers that separate male and female section, I can tell it's you. When I peek, God! You're so cute. Siap nyanyi nyanyi bagai. Happy ke? Me as well. Since the first time, seeing you alone, I respect you. Today, waiting for you to return (you really take time, huh), has risen the respect that I already have towards you. With face covered in wudhu, sungguh meruntun jiwa. Has increased everything. Respect, your look, and my feelings. Day by day. You never fail me. :)

And of course 'si ustaz' yang tak habis-habis nak menyakitkan hati. In a funny way actually. Tahu la esok last day. Ell pun. Fine! Semua pakat nak left me kan? This is a really indescribable unique friendship, bak kata Ell. Hmm, ayat ustaz tadi, "Aku cintakan kau kerana agama kau." Poyo je mamat ni. Tapi sekali bercerita, keluar jugak benda-benda ilmiah walaupun kadang-kadang tersasar jiwang. :)

Oh, I love it here! :) Really do.

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