Monday, 9 January 2012

Bid farewell

I'm not good in saying goodbye.
World simplest word but hardest to say.
A word just might not enough.
Not enough to say that I'll gonna miss those memories with you.

1. Ear-squatting out of the class. (tak hafal karangan arab punya fasal)
2. Talking, talking, talking in Science Lab masa cikgu tengah mengajar. (terpaksa tadah telinga dengar, semagat sangat bercerita sampai tempias) kekeke
3. Drowned with you at Desa Waterpark.
4. You helped me when I sprained my ankle. (a friend in need is a friend indeed)
5. You sneezed sampai satu jemaah solat batal sebab bantai gelak guling-guling (swear i'll not forget this)
6. Your stories yang tak pernah habis.
7. Always busybody, tak tahu mind-your-own-business tu apa. (but, thanks for the responses after that)
8. Your sarcastic words that never fail irritating people. (can't say anything, it is YOU)
9. When you piss-off, no body dare to get near you. (you're like a volcano that gonna erupt in any second)
10. All your helps. (walaupun kena upah ais krim lepas tu)

There are many more, but, only these that I could think for now. Seriously, gonna miss you big time.

Never say goodbye,
because saying goodbye 
means going away,
and going away means

Will never gonna forget you. Insya-Allah. If He wills. Tiqah, go and fulfill your dreams. Good luck. Salawati da'iman ma'aka. Illal liqa'. Ma'assalamah. :')

Kalau ada sumur di ladang,
Boleh kita menumpang mandi,
Kalau ada umur yang panjang,
Boleh kita berjumpa lagi.

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