Friday, 29 June 2012

Just something ordinary

Nothing out of ordinary to be in the situation I had been through just now. Nak kata bad day, tak jugak. Nak kata great day pun jauh sekali. Something that make my day today pun was just a smile, yeah, that acknowledging smile (while raising eyebrows). That one, and just that.

Then, failed experiment (not once but twice) in a day. Just imagine. Chemistry and Biology. Been so hard on me, huh? Uwaa... The feeling wasn't that bad though, just it will be hard to finish my report. Duh! Moreover, I was just playing-crazy in the lab just now (Biology not Chemistry- I still love my life).

That tiring time working on decorating our class for Hari Permuafakatan Ibu Bapa Days. Report card! Haha. We'll see, we'll see. What I can say is I don't put a high expectation for myself either, just enough to be better than before, ye tak? *wink*

Then, the worst part comes. What's the feeling to be insulted nicely, huh? C'mon la, nobody's perfect, kan? Sometimes, I feel like I've worn out looking from the brighter side. It was like there's no more good value that I can see to cover everything, to compromise. I'm far from perfect. If you think you are, go ahead. Don't drag me along.

Hmm, it's better to do something else right now. Daydreaming, not a bad idea. Was like recalling the nostalgics. Sweet though. Shooh! Stop it la, I better be finishing reading Wart la. Yet, I feel sleepy right now. Haha. Whatever. Bye, peeps! :)

Thursday, 28 June 2012

That amazing feeling

That's when words fail to describe feelings.
Yet heart understands.
And musics and songs consture everything.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Adoreable much, huh?

Bila bertalu rentak di kalbu
Hasrat yang tersirat semakin ku buru
Bila bergema laungan gempita
Harapan bernyala nadiku berganda

Gemuruh jiwa semangat membara
Dari puncak ingin ke angkasa
Berkalungkan bintang berkelipan
Menyerlah jauh dari yang biasa

Different person defines his or her day differently, eventhough they pass through the same situation. And for me, I just can't help it not to smile on this day. Fun. Yes. Sweet. No doubt. Unexpected. Very much. Happy. Of course. Cute. So much. Sad? Don't wanna think 'bout it.
Just enough. Yeah. Just enough. :)

Every different things, the every different amazing undescribeable feelings.

Let's smile peeps! Bye.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Cute pain through and through

That worst moment when, it was hard to tell or to describe how I feel at a moment. Like just now, nak kata macam mayat hidup, pass. Today's extremely complicated. Can be said I'm super bored in the class, feel of lacking, tension because of Physics, tired? And, that out-of-sudden-greet, was huh-ing me. Why huh, why? Tell me, pretty please?

Happy pun ye jugak. Fun main gelak-gelak. But once it ended, it was horror again. Macam orang tak betul, hilang arah. Semua tak kena. All I think that time was only -I wanna go home! And, yes, I ran home (pity Dada), and only He knows my-jumbled-up feeling that time. Sweet pain. Smile in tears. The pain, undefined! Wasn't much, but just enough to make chaos! ...and smile at the same time (though it's sugarless).

Like how someone ever wish to hang a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on their neck, that's exactly what I want, for today. Please, I really need some space, to breathe, perhaps? Oh, I wish I can spill how exactly do I feel right now.

Today's very !#!@$!#%@^%^#
Tak tahu nak cakap macam mana.
-Diri sendiri pun susah nak faham macam mana rasa nak nangis dan senyum tak berhenti dalam masa yang sama :| *awkward jumble-up*

And the same trap untuk kesekian kalinya.

Clicks. Pings. Pain. Seolah-olah ada satu suis dipetik. Sesuatu datang secara tiba-tiba. Dan, rasa sakit yang seolah-olah terjerut. Choking! Yang even Cornetto Royale pun tak membantu.

When rewinding the cutes in the pain- running, talks, coins. Just so oblivious!

p/s: Sungguh la, life sangat-sangat complicated! :| (dan sungguh la kau tengah buat kerja berani mati ni Liz oi)

Friday, 22 June 2012

I've lost before everything get started

I've never expected this to happen
When it shows its way, when hope seems to shine
It disappear just like that
In a split of second
I thought that was the best way to get everything considered
But He takes it from me, just like that
Half way it has done
And it ended without any warning

And now I lose my hope
I give up, just enough
It did tearing up
Now I just let time will heal everything
Time will make me decide what's next
For now I'll just sit back and doing nothing
Because it was hurt in every attempt

p/s: It's not someone, it's something (just so you know) :|

Thursday, 21 June 2012

During my retreat

Along my absence, I've done a lot of things which I like. It was like switching off the world for a moment during the past school break, sort of. Something that I can tell is I've get along and move on to something better. And I'm all set! :)

The feeling I've been through along that:-

-“I just dont know think less. If you know how, then teach me...”

-"What do you mean by all that you've done to me?"
*smash forehead* "...oh, I think I know. It was... just a normal-ordinary things."

-"The only thing that I can do is just let things happen."

-*drowned in Disney quotes* :P

-*gone through bad days (when there's bad, there's good ones too :B)

-*Euro fever* (German!)

-getting bored like - Aku paling benci bila tak tahu nak buat apa sedangkan banyak benda nak kena buat tapi satu benda yang kena buat tu pun tak rasa macam nak buat sebab rasa nak buat benda lain tapi otak tengah berselirat!

-putting myself in someone's shoe

-doing crazy things

-started to understand everything all over again

-"I've already leave it long before I realize it really is not the one."

-rebound and self-reflection - “You'll never reach perfection because there's always room for improvement. Yet get along the way to perfection, you'll learn to get better.”

-rebound and understanding eventually :) (tough yet brings to soothe)

Not including my makan-macam-orang-gilak days, drowning in my novels and dramas like nothing else in the world, and busy with my secret mission (that sounds impossible but I hope it's not) :D

And I'm over 90% all set! Alhamdulillah for that. And I'm trying to make others (only one actually, who's in the same boat as me), because making others soothe means making our days too. :)

Life's hard, kawan. But never regret a thing. Bye, peeps! ;D

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

So, how long has it been?

So, it's been a while since I abandon this. Haha. I've got many many and a lot of things to blog about, but I'm not free as in 'free' yet. Everything might got jumbled up. I can't exactly tell what was I busy with, am busy with, because I don't really know as well. Drowned in my own thinking. I've been done quite a lot of thinking these days. My feelings got jumbled up as well.

So I guess I'm done for just to say I'm alive. Still am! Asta la' vista! :P

p/s: It's Euro fever lately and it might be one of the thousands excuse! ;)