Friday, 6 December 2013

Who says?

It was just yesterday I blab about friends bla bla bla. What I really should do was just look back and judge. Yes it's true that there's none from the characteristic I've stated. But, just look back. Who's there when you're in need (most of the time)? Who's there to fill the emptiness in the atmosphere? Who's there when it comes to money-shot problem? There is. Dil. ...or the minyak masak a.k.a majerin, can? No? haha

...and to think again, bila dah pals in a group, there has to be fair division, right? Take this and that from everyone. Someone may be the one you feel comfort to vent on. Someone may be the one that you can count on. ...and many more. This is because human aren't perfect. Though I know there are many friends with all that qualities (in a person) termaktub dalam syarat dalam dunia ni. Tapi, belum rezeki lagi nak jumpa. Now, just appreciate what I have boleh? Bukan tak faham masing-masing macam mana. Try to accept and let go la kan?

Ha, cakap pasal 'let go'. Tadi, I went out with anak Mr. Gomez and Minyak Masak (kalau korang bijak senang je nak guess nama dia orang refer to that nick i gave). We went to *tengok poster kat atas* The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale dekat MIECC @ The Mines. Asalnya, anak Mr. Gomez tu yang out of the blue called and ajak (pasal dia agak interest kita orang sama kut). ...and I was like, ye nak pergi. The thing is none of us have been there and masalah transport, takut sesat tak reti bla bla bla. Tengok google maps pun ada KTM bagai. Mana reti!

Then, kebetulan, semalam my abang balik. ...and pujuk la dia mintak tolong hantarkan. He agreed just like that, tapi hantar je la, dia nak pergi solat Jumaat pulak. Also, Dil ni jadi ikut pun pasal dia ada cerita nak one book ni, masa kita orang jogging hari-hari. Masa ajak pun dia "Nak!" So, macam tu la kita orang pergi pukul 9 pagi tadi.

Dekat dalam hall tu seriously dah kinda rambang mata. Tapi, tak reti sangat nak pilih english novel ni. Biasanya pakai katalog, ada la masa nak decide. Tadi, pergi dekat best sellers, baca sepintas lalu blurbs dia, the rembat! Then, pergi dekat general fiction, tengok yang crime genre rembat! Macam borong je. Amazing gila sebab discount dia was like 70%-90%. Harga dia macam RM8, RM12. Apa kes? Saper tamau kan? Tapi, a bit frust la bila buku yang I look for as long as I can remember wasn't there. Tak jumpa. Rasa nak meraung tengah-tengah hall tu. Dil pun sama. Anak Mr. Gomez interested in books from self-help genre (see a new side of her). Kagum. Then, kita orang pun borong la.

Lepas tu masuk The Mines sebab nak makan. Singgah makan dekat food court dekat 2nd level. Lepas fill up, tanpa plan kita orang redah je naik 3rd level pergi TGV cinema. Dia orang nak tengok Frozen. I was like 'aku mana pernah tengok wayang carita kartun'. Then, tanya dekat counter pasal cerita Homefront (akak tu ramah =D). Favourite la action-action ni. ...but! 18 tahun ke atas. Frust jugak la. Last-last ended up dengan Frozen jugak. Guess what? Best sangat-sangat! Plot twist yang sangat unexpected. I like Princess Anna. Ha, tu yang kaitan dengan 'let go' tadi. There's a song from that movie entitled Let It Go - Demi Lovato. Most of the songs dalam movie tu best (err.. can I say all?).

Let It Go - Demi Lovato

Then, lepas habis movie singgah solat zohor dekat surau at that level. Ya ampun! Ramainya ummat! Lepas tu baru la nak gerak balik. The funny thing is, we circled that mall dua tiga kali, naik turun dua tiga kali, tapi tak jumpa jalan keluar. Tapi last-last jumpa jugak la. Pening jusak fikir nak balik sebelum tu. Dah la ada pak cik teksi ni cakap nak ke LRT Sungai Besi, RM20. I was like, "Okey, ha jom." Then, tiba-tiba anak Mr. Gomez cakap yang RM20 tu cekik darah la. Dia tanya, pak cik tu tak pakai meter rupanya. Then, she dragged us in to think of other solution to get back. Then we came up with waiting for a bus dekat bus stop depan mall tu. Bila feel something's not right, I asked this taxi uncle, and dia cakap way to LRT is the other side of the road.

I thanked him and we crossed the road macam orang gila! Haha. Cuak seh. Jalan besar tu, jangan buat main. Then, we boarded on a Rapid KL bus, U41. Pak cik tu stop more than halfway through, and bagi direction so that kita orang kena jalan sendiri. Thanks pak cik (today kinda realize banyak betul orang baik atas muka bumi ni). ...and again, lintas macam apa je dekat tengah-tengah highway tu. Dil relaks je. Kita orang berdua ni la, cuak semacam, lepas tu excited entahapehapentah je. Dil stay cool (sangat-sangat tak boleh blah). Sepanjang jalan tu almost every lorry and van hon kita orang, tak sure sama ada hon sebab kita orang ni girls (fewitt) atau pun we seemed carzy jalan tepi highway gitu (sebab kita orang the only yang buat macam tu). Tapi bak kata anak Mr. Gomez la, best apa buat kerja gila redah macam tu, lain kali nak pergi lagi tempat yang tak pernah pergi (banyak duit boleh la). Guess what, naik bas, kita orang jimat RM14! Tambang RM2 sorang je kot! Thanks to anak Mr. Gomez. Kalau ikut aku ni, entah apa la.

Lastly, lepas tukar platform dekat Chan Sow Lin, kita orang pun land la dekat LRT Cempaka safely. Alhamdulillah. Crazy right? It makes me remember the THC Living Without Car episodes. Public transport's great! These are the titles of book I bought. Catch Your Death and Killing Cupid by Louise Voss & Mark Edwards, Just Take My Heart by Mary Higgins Clark, Switch by Charlie Brooks, The Straight Razor Cure by Daniel Polansky. Tu je acutally. Tapi macam banyak kan? Haha. T'sal. K bye. Been writing much already. Penat plus sakit kaki ni. Kira exercise hari ni done la kan? haha

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